阶段性总结有利于精确自己的目标, 以及为后续的想法开辟空间.
但是因为没必要像写paper那样规范使用latex, 因此就选择了Markdown.
Windows - MarkdownPad
Github Pages - (If you have one)
由于github不支持显示TOC, 因此需要先用markdown-toc4进行预处理 也可以使用sublime里的markdown-toc5插件.
# content
## content
### content
* 1
* 2
* 3 * 1 * 2 * 3
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3
+ A
- a
1. contentA
2. contentB
> contentA
>> contentB

[content](link to the content)
[1]:Url [content][1] [1]:Url
| Tables | Are | Cool |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
Tables | Are | Cool |
col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
col 2 is | centered | $12 |
zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
``` [python]
def add(a, b): # add a and b
return a+b
class TA:
def add(a, b): # add a and b
return a+b
class TA:
or 每行文字前加4个空格或者1个Tab
**content** **content**
__content__ __content__
*content* *content*
_content_ _content_
<font face="黑体">我是黑体字</font>
<font face="微软雅黑">我是微软雅黑</font>
<font face="Verdana">I like Verdana format</font>
git 帮助我们进行代码的版本控制,我于2015/10/1花费一天时间学习一个关于git的视频,然后再参考几篇博客,将git的使用方法全部弄清楚。let's begin!
参考官网的安装方法 —— [git web]
working -add file- staging index -commit- repositiry
git checkout [commit hash] – file
usage : git reset –soft [commit hash] git reset HEAD file -n try to do -f force to do
it can help us to ignore some file or dir reference :
- git branch
- create -> git branch new_branch_name
- switch -> git checkout branch_name
- git checkout -b new_branch_name
- git diff [branch1]..[branch2] (use –color-words)
- git branch –merged
- git branch -m old_name new_name (–move)
- git barnch -d(–delete) name (-D to delete a non-empty branch)
- prompt
- export PS1=’$(__git_ps1 “(%s)”) > ‘
- export PS1=’\W$(__git_ps1 “(%s)”) > ‘
- export PS1=$PS1’$(__git_ps1 “(%s)”) > ‘ (it’s cool !)
Attantion: barnch is a stack mode, current branch can’t be delete
- git merge exist_branch
- git branch –merged
- conflict
- change by yourselt
- git log –graph –oneline –all –decorate
- git mergetool –tool=
Easily, this can be changed to
echo # >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/[User account]/[project name].git
git push -u origin master
[远程分支的使用] git checkout -b [new_branch] (make some change) git commit -am “word” git push [远程仓库名] [远程分支名(new_branch)]
password caching
Password Caching or save the ssh key.
_config.yml :全局配置文件
posts :放文章的文件夹
img 存放图片的文件夹
sidebar: true